So as we headed into the hotel where this restaurant was we were greeted with the following on the door. We thought it was cute. I think they tell the story of 'Glass' here like we tell the story of 'Falling Rock.'
Needless to say we know the Olympics bring countries and people together. It is supposed to do that. However, let me just try to explain using this one picture from last night. In this picture there are folks that have never done any Olympics, but have worked for BOCOG since just before winning the bid.
We have a Greek in there, no he was not there for the First Olympics, but he has now done two Olympics and counting.
We have three Americans, who between them, have done 15 Olympics, with myself having done 7 of those.
We have a man that left Crotia, after the Games in Saravejo and has done 6 Olympics. We have a two German men, one from the former East and one from the West as well as an Italian, three folks from Spain. Rough count of the total # of Olympics done by these folks is 40.
It was a fun dinner with lots of fancy dishes....some of them we did not ask what it was, whilst others we knew were Duck and some tuna and more. Wonderful fresh fruit to end the night.
The reason for the dinner was to thank all for the good work done so far to get to this point to test the CIS system. Anyway...everyone wanted a pic with me in here it is. I am the handsome bald one on the right.