Wednesday, August 30, 2006

12 Merit Badges and 4 Rank Advancements

Hans tonight received the 12 merit badges he had earned over the last year as well as 4 Rank Advancements over the last 2 years. There was a stake court of honor where over 60 scouts got more than 200 merit badges. It was pretty cool. Hans was excited to get all of this caught up so he can go on and get his Life and other merit badges.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Visitors - Grandpa and Auntie Mouse

Baby Erik had visitors today. Grandpa Bill and Auntie Mouse {my sister} came to visit and bring in dinner. Erik thought it was fun to see other people but he did the same thing for them he does for his family which is sleep and smile and eat. Oh well...Fun was had by all.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Not Quite Like Mom

Erik is trying to see if this works like mom. It didn't quite work and he got the real thing soon there after. His big sister JoJo had shared her lamb with him. He likes to hug it so far...but other than that it doesn't seem to do him any good.

Feeling at Home

Happy Birthday Erik!!!!! Okay...a little over the top...but he has been home now for five days and is making the most of all the attention. JoJo is the only one not to have started school on Monday so she has had some extra time with him. They are becoming good buddies. We have had to find things for her to do with Cina since she is feeling a little jealous of her little brother.

Here Emilie is making the most of a moment...trying to teach Erik how to ask Pappa for 'Ice Cream' I am sure. The older kids have always thought it best if the younger kids do the asking for goodies. They think Pops and Mamma are softer on the younger kids.

Erik here is taking in all the fun of the house. You can see he is extremely excited about his surroundings.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Coming Home Day

We went by and saw baby Erik before going to church and got Misty the nurse who was there during delivery to take a family snap. She didn't even break the camera.

Other pictures of the kids playing big brother and sister helping Erik burp after he got feed and more. The kids are now over at a friends whilst I go and pick up Cina and Erik.

I don't think any of them are liking having a little brother...but I am sure that will change.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Supporting Staff

The folks that made it all happen. Although Cina and I claim credit for the whole thing...there were some others invovled. The 'On Call Doctor' {Dr. Berg} who we had chosen in advance, had worked a whole day in ER {7-7} and then was standing in for our doctor. No comments about Erik being taller and weighing more than the doctor.

The lead Labour and Delivery nurse {Misty} who has two kids of her own...and could not believe that Cina was without any pain killers at all. She was a great support and kept Cina comfortable.

The intern {Whitney} washing Erik afterwards will be going to school here shortly.

Cina is on the phone with Morf Gunnar {her dad} shortly after the birth. Gotta love Vongage phone service {VoIP} where we can call to Sweden for 15.00US$ a month...unlimited. Yes...Erik knows what to do with Mom and her food makers. He has latched on really well and enjoys 10-15 minutes at a time on each side. Left side is Chocolate and the right side is Vanillia.

Lastly...a peaceful mom as I left early this AM. A job well done.

Big Kids and Baby Erik

The kids were surprised that I was home when they woke up at 7AM and found me at home. We had a quick breakfast and then went down to the hospital. The kids were excited and glad to see their little brother.

He was almost born on his Uncles birthday..but he came in 25 minutes earlier than the 19th.

Kurt-Erik Gunnar has arrived

A wonderful miracle happened on the 18th of August. Erik was born at 23:35 on Friday night. After stopping work today we played some games. Hans and I cut the lawn. Alexander chopped down weeds whilst JoJo and Emilie played...and Cina laboured for a bit.

Contractions started around 1530 or so and were in the lower back. At 1730 or so she tried being in the tub since they were 4 minutes apart. About 1930 we drove down to the hospital after having a family prayer and left the kids at home whilst Rachel and Daisy came over.

We got into the room with our on call OB Doctor since ours is out rudely camping/running the Wind River with some scouts and proceeded to have a baby.

Things went very well and our healthy baby Erik was born.

Our regular doc, the one who is rudely with a bunch of Boy Scouts as well as the ultra sound from 3 weeks ago predicated a baby about 8 lbs well look at the scales Erik is tipping and you will see he is at 9.63 lbs or 4.261 kg. He measured in at 22.5 inches or 57.0 cm.

We are pleased he is here. Cina did a great nothing....she is a true Viking...

Off to bed for this dad. We will be taking the kids to the hospital in the AM to see their new baby brother.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Meow Meow

So we now have two sister kittens that love to play. Their names as choosen by the youngest three are 'Pinky' in honour of her pink nose and 'Blacky' in honour of her black face. These kitties were 4 weeks old or so when we got them the middle of July. They sleep up in our bathroom and that is where they are playing on the green bathmat.

They have been able to roam the house over the last 3 weeks and here they are playing on the step stool that is next to the garbage

However, this week we have let them outside and they love to climb and explore.

Fashion for School 2006

We found a good sale at our favourite French Clothing store Jacques Penny {JC Penny} and bought some clothes for the kids. Here is Emilie showing us the sophistcated 5th grader look in a nice jeans skirt, blouse and a jacket on top.

Next we have JoJo showing us what all 3 year old girls want...a pink top to go with her brown skirt {all one piece} and we had actually bought shoes the week before that go perfectly with it.

Lastly, we have Zander and Emilie showing us that their new clothes {shoes} will go nicely with their new school. See related post above.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Boyack Reunion 2006 - Fun Times Galore

Every two years family members from the George and Jane Boyack family get together for a family reunion. This year there were almost 250 people together for 3.5 days.

There was the traditional square dance welcome on Thursday night that had a bit of a hip hop twist by doing the macarena and chicken dance. We got there later than normal since we were at the Swim meet until almost 8 PM.

On Saturday morning we had the Boyack Olympics. There were races for the kids of all ages. There were also a race where the mom's were blindfolded and their kids had to call mom and the mom had to find the kids.

Additionally, there was a race where the fathers had to carry all of their kids past the finish line. I had Hans on my shoulders and JoJo too...and Zander and Emilie on my feet. I should have had them under my arms...but I learnt for next time.

You also see Mrs. Olympics...Josie Barthalomew {Prestwich} informing folks of the rules for one of the events.

There was a relay race where the teams had to do a cartwheel...wheel barrow...crab walk and then skipping and finally hopping. This branch of the family didn't set any records in that race, but they had fun as evidenced by the photos.

Then there was a race for the cardiac kids. Everyone from Larry and George to Beth and Brian. Brian pulled out a surprising upset and won the did his barefooted Colin in a previous race for his age group.

We then went back to the hotel and pool room and had a blast playing chicken and more.