In addition to sending out the Christmas cards we sent we decided that we will blog our Christmas message and year in review.
We have been very blessed this year as in all the years past but this one took some interesting turns. I was asked to work in Stockholm for a bit at the beginning of the year and after spending six of the first eight weeks in Stockholm and down to KKrona on weekends we opted to up and move here to Sweden for a bit. So in March, with a trooper wife and kids we packed up the household stuff...loaded them in a Penske sleigh and Uhaul trailer and a neighbor of ours drove them to Arizona where we thought we would end up in six months time or so. We also had excess in the house and so we have storage now in both AZ and GA.
We arrived on a Friday and the kids were all in school on the next Monday and it was off to the races. The kids have really enjoyed being over here and life is a bit more peaceful and they can do more things on their own here without their parents worrying about them. We don't know how much longer we will be here but here we are for the time being.
Hans is 15.5 as we write this letter and is a great young man. He is honouring his Priesthood and being a great example to the young men in the branch here as well as to those that are not members. He is enjoying his time in the International Baccalaurte program here at the school and doing well in school. He recently remembered what it was like to work for a grade. He is ambitious and a great help to all in the family.
Ms turned 12 last month and is a beautiful young lady. She has so much love for people and willingness to help that she is much appreciated here at the house. She thrives at school and with her friends. She has, like Hans, choosen some great folks to hang with and we appreciate that. She is willing, not always glad, but always willing, to help with Erik as needs arise or the other two munchkins.
Zander bander turned eight during the year and was baptized here in Sweden, a special treat, for which Auntie Mouse came over and shared some time with us. Zander is growing and learning a lot and has been performing in many shows and such this Christmas season. It has been great to see him grow up during this time here. He is making choices and such and learning about those consequences.
JoJo is a wonderful almost six year old and enjoying almost everything. She does a lot of great stuff and her Swedish is going well. She is full of energy and a loving girl. She and Erik share a room here at MorFars and so it is fun to see her be a big sister in action and practice.
Erik is 2.5 and running all around....going to some day care and almost spitting out all the words he knows in both Swedish and English. I saw almost since he is speaking only a handful of words. However, we {okay..Cina might be} are not fussed since he will get the words flowing shortly.
Cina is getting her Masters in Sustainability and Longevity at BHT. It is cool that she is back in school and doing well. She is working with folks from all over the world and doing a great job balancing all that she is asked to do in School, Home, Church and more. She is an awesome lady.
Pops has been traveling less, but when he goes....he goes to interesting places. Four Continents this year, including a fun work/pleasure visit to Brasil. China was a good time as well for the Olympics, his eight, and now he is enjoying only going to Stockholm every couple of weeks.
As we think of all that has happened in the world this year, we still know that there is a God and he has a plan for all involved. There is sadness around but many happy things happening as well. We know that God Lives as well as his Son, Jesus Christ, and we are thankful for that. We are blessed to live in this time. May all of you be blessed by our Father in Heaven during all the days of your lives.