Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Hans The Scientist

Hans is in the middle of a science experiment for his 7th grade class. He is trying to see if the acidity of the water affects the way seeds germinate. So far...he has proven to be a wonderful scientist and not such a good cantelope seed grower. No matter what the PH level...he has had nothing germinate contrary to what he thought however, he has kept a great science log and notebook. We will see his final results in about 2 more weeks.


Levi said...

Cool experiment! How do you change the acidity of the water?

Levi said...

Welcome to the wonderfully disappointing and unglamorous world of science.

theodoreable said...

The PH level {acidity} is changed by either adding amonia {decrease} or vinegar {increase}. We think they might not work because they were upstairs and it was cold. We will see.

Levi said...

I'd give Hans an 'A' if for no other reason than his demonstration of the need for a pilot study. I hope it was a valueable lesson learned by all.