Saturday, November 04, 2006

We Are Children - Holding Hands Around the World

The primary program was last Sunday and the kids participated in not only with their speaking parts, but then the 'Family von Knecht' played the cello for 'Did Jesus Really Live Again.' They did a great job. For the closing song the kids came down from the choir seats, joined with the young women, and Hans who had gotten dressed up as well, and sang 'We Are Children Holding Hands Around the World.'

The kids dressed up in outfits from three different countries. Hans and Emilie are in native outfits from Sweden, whilst Zander has on a 'Happy Coat' from Nagano and JoJo has on a Hanbok from Korea {yes, obtained during the 1988 Olympics, in hopes of getting married and having a daughter}. We have two of them that have been worn on limited occassions, since they are dry clean only and I need to find a Korean dry cleaner to do it. Good luck here in town.


Levi said...

Cool outfits! How much did you have to pay Hans? Just kidding, of course it was his idea, right Hans?

I found this, but I don't know how to translate the page. Maybe if you figured out how to translate this into English, you could find something helpful.

Anonymous said...

I am a Korean dry cleaner.
yoyo emilie