Sunday, February 18, 2007

One Rank Away from Eagle

Last Night Hans attended his first Court of Honor here in Hotlanta. He has most of the work done for the merit badges he needs, infact he got Personal Management signed off yesterday. He has cycling done and Family Life and Physcial Fitness that need to be signed off. He will get his Eagle right after he turns 14. he has kicked some bootie to get to this point and he will continue.

Clap Your Hands Clap Your Hands

till the music stops. Erik has learned to clap and now does not want to stop. He is like a trained seal...arf arf arf. He claps on command. For his next trip he will...............

Inspector JoJo

JoJo was drinking some pink OJ and then she decided that she would be Inspector Pirot. She wanted to hold Erik as well. She loved looking at herself in the mirror and see what she looked like.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Zander At the Dentist

Well...when I came home from Tampa two weeks ago Zander was really proud since he had 4 cavities. I don't think he understands, as opposed to your FICO score, you want a small number when it comes to holes in your teeth.

So..Cina took a picture at the dentist office. Apparently Zander fussed and screemed for an hour but liked his nose. When he came home we took more pictures since the 'pediatric dentist' we went to really bruised and bumped him up.

Needless to say we called the dentist back a couple of days later and told her receptionist {her husband} that we would not be coming back. She called a couple of hours later and we told her to call us when his bumps and bruises are down. If someone in the family is going to get a fat lip it should be from something real like a good fight :) not the dentist.

Snow in Georgia - Farms in Berkeley - MOOO!!!

We were feeling homesick for the Cabin and so prayers were answered and snow fell and schools closed for the day. Some closed at just the threat of snow whilst the rest closed because of actaul hail that fell and stuck to the ground.