Saturday, August 19, 2006

Supporting Staff

The folks that made it all happen. Although Cina and I claim credit for the whole thing...there were some others invovled. The 'On Call Doctor' {Dr. Berg} who we had chosen in advance, had worked a whole day in ER {7-7} and then was standing in for our doctor. No comments about Erik being taller and weighing more than the doctor.

The lead Labour and Delivery nurse {Misty} who has two kids of her own...and could not believe that Cina was without any pain killers at all. She was a great support and kept Cina comfortable.

The intern {Whitney} washing Erik afterwards will be going to school here shortly.

Cina is on the phone with Morf Gunnar {her dad} shortly after the birth. Gotta love Vongage phone service {VoIP} where we can call to Sweden for 15.00US$ a month...unlimited. Yes...Erik knows what to do with Mom and her food makers. He has latched on really well and enjoys 10-15 minutes at a time on each side. Left side is Chocolate and the right side is Vanillia.

Lastly...a peaceful mom as I left early this AM. A job well done.


Levi said...

If left is chocolate and right is vanilla, make sure he always eats off righty first, else he turns into one of those chocolate-loving Knechts! Oh...wait.

Anonymous said...

And you know they are Chocolate and other wise because??????