Thursday, February 23, 2006

Ketil and Knecht one has the looks and the intelligence {the one on the right} and the other comes from Norway {the guy on the left}.

It blows my mind that as of this posting Korea now has doubled the amount of gold medals that Norway has and that Sweden has 2.5 times more gold than Norway. What is happening with that little country that has good neighbors?

This was taken on the 22nd the night I went to Speed Skating. I did not stay for all of the 1500m heats but saw the first 9. Ketil and his family are here having a party at Frederic's.


Anonymous said...

Whatever you say.

Anonymous said...

My mind is blown by the fact that Australia's collection of Gold is infinitely greater than Finlands. And to quell all rumours, Australia did not find gold after writing their name in the snow!