Saturday, February 25, 2006

Top 10 Reasons Boooooode Miller Didn't Win a Medal

10.- His mouth is moving to fast when he skis
9. - He wouldn't know a gate if he hit one
8. - He has already won medals...who needs another
7. - His bindings have cut off all circulation to his head
6. - He can't put his medals where his mouth is
5. - He is a cry baby
4. - He straddles too much
3. - He didn't want to pay excess baggage charges for the medals
2. - He needed more room in his suitcase for all the BEER he is bringing home
1. - HE DOES NOT KNOW HOW TO SKI!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

"Boooooode" Is that the way they spell Big Egooooo over there?

Anonymous said...

He's pacing himself

Anonymous said...
